Swiss Trip 12-14 March 2011





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So it's not Switzerland


It took us literally hours to get from Füssen to Reutte! The way into the Tirol was blocked by the entire population of the low countries hoping to find some mountains with a bit of snow left to slide down.

We ended up in Lindau. In a very swish hotel right on the harbour promenade with a fantastic view over the lake to the mountains.


but this is


Next day we rounded the lake and went up into the mountains. But we were foiled again. The route we had planned was cut off because the Klausen Pass was closed. They didn't tell us this until we were far up the valley.

So we turned around and came all the way back down.
We finally stopped in Winterthur, near Zurich.


karneval in Rio


Actually Winterthur. Yes, they were still celebrating karneval on the weekend we were there.

The streets and pubs and restaurants were full of strangely clad people making merry.

Even the odd ghost would flit through the bars to keep us amused. It was great!

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